Finally got round to writing this. So I don't normally get up too much these days (Money being the main problem) But now and again I do get up to some fun and games, which I would love to share with the guys,
Friday Night;
After a mad dash from my office to the station as to get the early train and get in home in time to get ready (Thank you bro for picking me up from station and giving me an extra half hour ) I actually did manage to get ready by 7:30 with a few minutes to spare. I hate rushing when I have to get ready for a night out, but when it comes to Friday nights I always have. Working in London just doesn't give you enough time to play with and I always get those mild butterflies of panic that my train will be delayed, or my hair wont work, or my dress doesn't fit... you can't have these dramas when your rushing.
Anyway I digress, So Blokey and Vince pick me up and we head off to out local Marriott for a friends birthday, which we are having at their regular The Comedy Club nights. Ok it was a cheap as chips (Literally !) night. Two comedians, introduced by a rather dashing compare... who I will introduce to you in a short while. Drinks were flowing, food was eaten and fun was had by all. I really enjoyed it actually as something abit different and was actually a lot more penny friendly than our local comedy clubs. Also comedians were very hilarious bringing out the regular 'I'm a man and how different we are to women' jokes. But my real excitement came from the compare do you recognise him....
Me and James Redmond (Warning for your eyes I don't always look this bad :( ) |
Ok I have always been a proper Hollyoaks nut... and even more than that Casualty. Built into my physic from family nights round my Nan's from when I was wee nipper.. I can't even miss an episode of Casualty now (God Bless Catch up TV). I will say however faintly felt my age as no-one else in the group really remembered him... (And yes you may be thinking Blokey is my Toy Boy. lol. )
Saturday Night:
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Classy!! |
Ok not too much going-on on this night but trotted down to my mates house for a traditional girls night in. Yes this involved playing along to Take Me Out (Hilariously good fun, especially with added Vino and really makes you see what weird taste your friends have) and the ritual of ordering Take Away,.
*Mini Rant Alert* Ok we did order from Pizza Hut, and yes they are one of the more quality delivering pizzerias but am I alone in thinking that for what you are actually paying for (Frozen Food heated up on mass) it is rather expensive. Any way we did order a wide selection and would of paid quite a lot if it wasn't for the 50% off over spends of £30 coupon (We actually spent near to £60 whoops) so managed to get it all for a £5 each. Definitely worth it for big groups and girly nights in..... But it turned up cold!! Not happy But hey ho... Everything seems better with Vino (Not condoning alcoholism or binge drinking in anyway. Please drink responsibly) *Mini Rant Over*
The night ended at roughly 1:30 when I had to get my brother to pick me up, when the night ended in teddy bear roll madness... No more details allowed I'm afraid.
Sunday Night.
Reserved for couples and that back-to-school gloom feeling we all get when we realise the weekend is over and we must return to the monotony of the working week. I used to hate this day which would normally draw me into to suicidal thoughts and binge eating while I make sure I have enough clean pants for the week ahead... however now that I have recently entered into officialdom of coupleness with Blokey this has been replaced with relaxed together time, shopping trips, cinema outings and adventures into eating out.
This week we settled for a night-in in front of the box with a film and some fizzy pop. Film rented from Work friend and refreshments provided by Blokey we snuggled down to watch Drive. I have been plagues by friends and colleagues alike to watch this for ages and many a time had to listen to people going on about the amazing soundtrack so I finally got to see what all the hype was about...And..
I wasn't that fussed about it to be honest. Maybe it was the hype or maybe it was Blokey's continual diatribe and commentary of the action and general unhappiness that he didn't see them getting it on... But I didn't think it was as big as I thought. Ok the plot and storyline was good and it had enough twists and turns and mindless violence to keep us both happy to a degree, but I felt I had seen this type of film before. Or maybe it was just the way it had been filmed with many moments where the Director had obviously thought how do I make this as art-house or creative as possible.
Please don't let me put you off of this film, It is worth a watch and I am sure it was even better while being watched on the big screen... But I don't see myself watching this one again in a hurry.
Ok... So that's what I got up to... Told ya it wasn't much.. Also don't expect this every week as if I did I would probably bore you to tears. Hope you liked it all the same.