Ok so this is where I will be letting you guys know what freebies I get through the post each week... sometimes its not much but most other weeks I get a hell of a lot. This isn't bragging (I don't think so anyway) as you can all get most of these yourselves. If you want to know how, I generally trawl most make-up and beauty for their samples... But I also use a lovely site called....
Check it out as they put up around 8 new freebie offers a day... Really useful if like me you love recieving these through the post. Like little presents. Definitialy cheers me up throughout the week.
This week I got (Quite alot);
1. Mystery Skincare sample.... Face Wash and Face Mask.
I blogged about this earlier in the week so go an check this out for more information. The secret is due to be revealed on the 1st March, so check back when I hopefully can let you know.
2. Hugo Boss Fragrance swatch - Boss Orange
This wasnt a huge sample just a little swab really. Would of liked much more to get a full scent.However a lovely fruity but strong smell which I would probably purchase a larger version when I get some extra cash (Or its on offer ;p )
3. Touche Eclait.
Very small sample which was out of a magazine (Vogue UK March issue, which I don't know why I paid £4.10 to flick through 5,000 pages of adverts, but it will be a good door stop with the weight of it). Not tried this yet but I have always wanted to get some of this as its been THE product for a while now... we shall see. Also the page it came on had a lovely direction guide on the best way to apply which is always nice..
4. Lil-Lets
Well what can I say, I'm a woman and these will always come in handy. Lil-lets are going through a re-brand which personally I think they should of gone through years before this. However the samples came delvered in a lovely light blue box with white polka dots. Three samples for a range of flows... very handy in deed. Will be going in my bag for those unavoidable emergencies.
My Friends will know this but I don't drink tea anymore, because I discovered I am lactose intolerant. I use this term loosely as I still eat ice cream and cheese (I can't not they are just so yummy) But with the amount of hot drinks I was drink through out the day I was finding myself feeling really sick, bloated and lathergic to the end of the day... so have swapped to black coffee instead. However will be putting these in the cupboards for guests or for a those mornings when Blokey is hungover. Handy indeed.

8. Garnier BB Cream
I have had a sample for this before and have used it previously but like many others I think I'm not really sure what you are supposed to use this for. It describes itself as an all in one cream with coverage properties. The first time I used it, I appllied it on its own as I was running late for work and couldn't do a full face. It did look good in the morning and I had a dewy glow most of the day, although by the time I got home it did look patchy and like it had come off. I was obvioulsy having a good skin day as the next time I used it was when I was smacked down with a really bad bout of woman flu. It was the type of cold where you really cant be arsed to put makeup on so I did use it on its own again... however I just looked horrible. However since trying it on its own I saw a PR piece for it that says you can use it as a moisturiser and primer underneath your make-up. I will be giving this a go for a while as I am on the hunt for something new in this stage of my routine. Will let you know what happens.
9. Escada Perfume swatch
Not had a whiff of this yet but will probably use this during the week and see what I think. Once again the same thing as the Hugo Boss with a cotton swab soaked in the scent in a little foil pocket stuck onto a branded postcard. Keep you posted.
Nappy cream is ment to be good for tattoos too! :) and thanks for the link I love freebies, testers and coupons! X Sophie X