Thursday 28 June 2012

Glossy Box - June edition

Well what better way to start my more regular postings than to return with a review of the latest box offering from Glossy Box. I will be as fair as I can with this post but I will say I was really disapointed... not only from what I actually got but also from looking at what everyone else got . Yes I know you shouldn't covet what your neighbour has .... and I really don't this month... but let's get on with the show.

I got:

MEMEME Cosmetics - Sensuous Nail Gloss
Full Size £4.50 - 12ml - Sample Size £1.88 - 5ml
A 5ml high shine Nail Gloss in this season's key catwalk peach. 
I do love a good nail varnish. Its actually one of those make up items I don't hesitate picking up, but I don't actually own many nude shades. I think this is because I have tried to make sure I have all colour bases covered. It is actually a very pretty peach shade which I will probably use for work days... although it may look good with a home French mani.
It actually suits my skintone really well, without being too yellow as to make me look like I'm suffering from renal failure. I tried this and it applied well, with an opaque finish after two coats, although the first was very streaky. Drying time was reasonable as well. Without base or top coat this lasted maybe a day with chipping on the tip and thumb nail (so I would prep this to the max next time).

BM Beauty - Summer Warmth Bronzer
Full Size £8.00 - 4g : Sample Size £2.00 - 1g
Multi-purpose pure mineral bronzer. Add a touch of summer warmth to your face.
I am in the market for a bronzer, and this one does have a lovely gold shimmer to it when I swatched it. (No pics of the swatch sorry as my camera is too shocking to pick up the detail) But as I may have said in posts of the past, I don't like loose pigments. Point in fact I got a loose pigment in another BBox recently and when it arrived the whole case was cracked and was leaking bright azure blue everywhere.... if Royal Mail can do that imagine what will happen when its in my hands!!

Caudalie - Eaux Fraiches in Zeste De Vigne
Full Size £26.00 - 50ml : Sample Size £5.20 -10ml
Refresh your senses with these invigorating and energising fragrances.
I have moaned about perfume samples in the past. You know the ones that you get a piddly little plastic tube with an atomiser that doesn't work and half one wears worth of the scent (or even worse are the wet wipe samples. yuk) Anywhoo, this isn't that. This I would judge as a high end perfume sample. I didn't even know Caudalie had a perfume range, but after loving their skincare I'm looking forward to trying this. The smell in my opinion is amazing. Its of oranges, not a synthetic smell, but the true memory of bursting your fingers through the peel of a juicy and plump orange. You can almost even smell the pith. Love love love.


Vichy - Dermablend Ultra Corrective Foundation Cream Stick
Full Size £19.00 - 12g : Sample Size £9.50 - 6g
Vichy's expert camouflage foundation stick for minor to severe skin flaws.
I have been searching for a really good concealer to cover my under eye circles but I just don't think this is it. I am very lucky not to have flaws bad enough for me to use such products and I also think it may be a bit heavy for me to add to my under eye skin. I will give it a try but will prob end up passing this one so a bit of a fail for me.... although I am holding out to see its results, as many beauty bloggers appear to be really enthused about this entry, so we shall see.

Glossybox - Serie Exclusiv Pro Beauty Brush
Full Size £15.00 ( I am guessing this is a full size one)
I am not amused with this at all. Ok it's a brush and it will probably come in handy for blusher or bronzer, and yes it is very soft, but its a brush. Not only a brush but one by GB which they have given a French name to for some reason. I will use it but in my eyes at the moment GB are experts/experienced in sourcing beauty products for their clients.. maybe not making them. Would of preferred this as a bonus gift and then getting another sample. Also when I did try it I found it not that soft, it did shed a bit and wasn't very good at picking up the product.... may pass this on to my sister. Definitely not work £15 when RealTechniques sell theirs for less and they are amazing

Overall Box Price. £33.58
Highlights this month are definitely the Caudalie perfume sample. I will wear it out and about a bit and do the Blokey test, but I think I will buy a full size of this one. The Nail Gloss, is just a bit meh. And to be honest I don't think I will use the bronzer or concealer. And as you can see from my comment I'm not going to count the brush as an item.

This month really wasn't for me, but then again this is what I have signed up to. I reserve my right to have a moan about certain items but all in all I have really enjoyed this service and generally get a very good box most months.... here's to the next one.

What did you get? Did you get the Caudalie sample I got? don't you think it's lush?

Wednesday 27 June 2012


Well Haven't I Been a BAAAAD Blogger.

As you may have guessed if you follow me I have taken some time away from posting.. many reasons had confounded this with my looking for a job, starting a new one and general lifeyness getting in the way. However to put it bluntly I have just not been in the frame of mind to talk to you guys. Sorry, but its the truth. But rather than procrastinating any longer on my return I thought I better do a quick catch up for the last two months of activity and then I can resume normal proceedings.

As you know I put up a post way back when about my ideas of my career and where I wanted to go. ... well it didn't quite work out the way I wanted but I am happy none the less. I think this maybe the reason I have put off posting. I left my last position and entered into temp work, one to keep myself active and the other to help in someone in paying the bills. I live on my own and from past experience living on the dole doesn't even go close to paying a third of my overall bills... which is annoying considering the amount of tax I have paid over the years. Anyway after searching the land for a role in marketing, I resided myself to the fact that the jobs market is just not buoyant enough for me to move aside... and learnt that actually what I know and am good at is not so bad, .... so have now gone back to a sales role (if not a better position). So yes I have now started my new job and am loving it and getting settled in. There is lots to do but I am happy that my abilities will mean I will succeed ( trying to drive my self confidence if I can. lol)

Also as a note work is now situated in a lovely area of London where I just have to pass a vast array of shops and a lovely little Boots on my way from the station... oh well, I will know where my salary will be going.

Rest of my world?
Well not much really tbh. lol. I have been chilling out and trying to spend as much quality time with Blokey as possible. We had a lovely Jubilee weekend... which involved an afternoon team party for my friend Jenna's birthday (there was a particular lack in tea, but ample supple of Vodka may I add. Oh my head)... then we hosted a BBQ on the Sunday with friends, which Blokey loved brandishing his hosting skills (which generally involved delegating tasks)... and since then we have just been relaxing and returning to normal

You may also notice I have had a little revamp of the look of the blog, so I hope you like. I started off like a kid in a sweet factory and wanted to have pink and sparkles and fluffyness all over it but I think this very minimal look is alot better. I may still keep playing around with it, but do let me know what you think... any suggestions?

So I hope this fills some of the gaps.. I think when I started this blog I was a bit over confident on the amount of posts I would be able to do so I am going to take a step back and try and be a bit more realistic. So hope for atleast two posts from me a week going forward. It's just one of those things that I had just not been in the writing mood... but now my classic wit and brain drivel has returned .... enjoy!!

P.s I have just finished the Fifty Shades trilogy and although I am moving onto a few classics would like some recommendations for some new books.